
Inspirational Speaker

“Tracy is a natural storyteller – she holds her audience captive in the palm of her hand.”

I love speaking with groups and organisations to inspire and motivate around any of the themes of my work:


Mind/Body – Mental Health & Wellbeing



Intimacy and Authenticity

And I’m open to other topics – just get in touch here.

In other words, Love

An intimate evening of spoken word and song by Tracy with friend and singer, Amy Jenkins.

The event explores all the BIG human loves from birth and pernting, to romance and friendships, grief, nature, sex and God.

“I felt everything – happy and joyful, sadness and loss, and juicy too! All in a gorgoues setting. When’s the next one?”

Next event: 20th September 2024.

Conference Presentations:

2024. Storytelling for Health and Wellbeing Symposium Plenary Panel Speaker. University of South Wales

2024. Safety and Kindness in our Working Practices. Creu Cymru Conference.

2023. Starting Well: Birth Café. Weave/Gwehyddu, WAHWN

2020. Arts & Mental Health. Arts & Health Cross-Party Working Group, Welsh Government

2020. Arts Practice & Mental Health. Green Ribbon Arts Festival, Mental Health Foundation

2020. Birth Café – a transformational approach to birth storytelling. Storytelling and Motherhood conference. University of South Wales.

2019. Beginnings/Birth: Birth Café. Storytelling for Health conference. Swansea Bay Health Board & University of South Wales.

2018. Maternal Endurance. Maternal Attitude Symposium. University of South Wales.

2016. Shaping the Echo – an exploration of collaborative approaches to making performances with my children. Irish Society for Theatre Research. Waterford
Institute of Technology.